The Hall of Friends -  Alliances & Friendships  

As you proceed to study the Diplomatics, a vizjerei Sorceror appears in the Ambassadors Office. He talks to Najj for one Minute. Then he greets you.

"Hail to thee, Adventurer. Here you may fiend all Persons and guilds that are under the protective Mantle of the Brotherhood of Light. To get added to these Halls, talk to the Ambassadors of the Guild. Only the bravest and greatest among all Heroes are added to this Areas. You worth the Entry?"

The Sorceror looks at you with eyes that seem to touch your soul. Then he turns away and leaves the Office. Hes leaving the Ambassadors Office and is entering the Main area of the Stronghold. Library, maybe. You turn back around to proceed on your path.

Return to the ambassadors office





The Friends of the Brotherhood

Hall of Friends

Latest Updates:
+Bynyth Gildan gains Membership in the Hall of Friends (130601)
+Improoved Layout in the Hall of friends (150501)
+Queen Solea and King Wallace from the KFK got Removed from the Hall (150501)

The Allies of the BrotherHood

Hall of Allies

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+Minor Layout Changes (150501)