Ambassadors Office - Consulting Najj Raven  

You move towards Najj Raven, the High Ambassador of the Brotherhood of Light. You notice the Silks of Victor shes wearing. You are sure to face a very powerful sorceress.
Najj Raven  removes the Scrolls she was up to study from his Desk and starts looking at you with bright and friendly Eyes.

"Hail to thee, Adventurer! What can i do for you?"

Back to the Ambassadors Office

You say:
"Hail to thee, high Ambassador. I wish to join the Brotherhood of Light and aid the Light in any way. Can you tell me the Requirements to get a Member of this Guild?

Najj Raven stays silent for a moment, then he begins to speak:

"Requirements? I dont know if that is the way to name it. Let me tell you something, Friend. The BrotherHood is very very different from other Guilds and Clans out there. I know that many are saynig this, but i mean it. "

"See, the Brotherhood is existing since the early Days of the 1st Age. Tyrael, Arkaine and Rednak founded this Guild to create something very different. They all served in Leading Positions of other Guilds already, and got sick of the Lack of Honor and Honesty in their Guilds. Thats why the BrotherHood was formed. Our Members are only the bravest and best of their Kind. Warriors, Sorcerors, Rouges and all kind of Heroes gathering to fight for a good Purpose. "

"Please Study the Code of Honor of our Guild. If you are able to swear upon those Rules of Compassion and Friendship, then you might be a adept to join our Ranks.

For more information about how to join our ranks read the "Recruit's FAQ"