The Ambassadors Office - Code of Honor 

A Paladin in plate armor joins you as you start to study the Brotherhood's Code of Honor.

"Hail to thee, Friend. You're here to study the Code of Honor, no?  Its important that you learn the Rules and keep them in your Heart every time you venture out to the demon-infested Lands.  The Code of Honor is written amongst the Gates of Heaven.  I will stop at nothing to defend and fight for this Code.  Sorry now, for I need to leave. May Light guide you!  For the Light!  In 2 Eternity!"

The Paladin bows before you and leaves you alone, leaving the Hall of Honor and entering the Wings of the Brotherhood.

Back to the ambassadors office
















Shrine of Compassion

"Compassion is the Highest virtue of the Brotherhood. Show your Compassion to your fellow brothers and sisters and assist them in any matter and belongings."

"... for Compassion is the Key to Valor." - Cay Gladstone

Shrine of

"Valor is with those who face the demonic World
without the use of Cheats.  The Brotherhood doesn't
allow the Use of any Sniffers, Trainers or Cheats."

"The demon is able to break a man. However, he won't break his Valor."
Mindbreaker McGouth

Shrine of

"Do not hide your thoughts.  If you have knowledge which may affect the whole Brotherhood's interest, do not fear to name it by its name.  The Brotherhood highly believes in the Sharing of Honesty amongst our members.
And so you should do if you want to be a part of our Movement."

"Bravery guides the honest Hearts."
- Paige Arrow

Shrine of

"Do not insult other players on the Realms.  Dont use rough Speech in Team Play nor on the Battle Site.  If someone is insulting you prove the Honor of Humility by ignoring the Fool and leave him behind.
The Brotherhood has a great reputation amongst the Realms, keep that in Mind before you loose control over yourself."

"The Humans that prove Humility are the greatest of Heroes..."
-Kyle Lachdanan Hellsmasher

Shrine of

"Don't attack other Players in Battle Net games.  If you like to duel yourself, head for a duel game.  If someone is insulting you simply ignore the fool or challenge him for a duel, just don't attack him for no cause.  Don't use swear Words when messing with someone, the Brotherhood is not the Place to tolerate it."

"Justice shall be done by God's Hand... and not ours."
- Lothrien Rynlaar

Shrine of

"Keep the Brotherhood informed on your crusades out there in the Realms.  Inactive Knights will be removed from the Stronghold.  If you are not available for some time then post on the Forums or seek contact to one of the Council members."

"The Road is long and Sacrifices shall be made..."
- Raynee Crusher